
magic mushroom spores
We accept most major credit cards.

We also accept Bitcoin.

It is quite simple to buy Bitcoin with a credit card/bank account and then make your payment to us.

Alternatively, we also accept mail order

To Pay with Bitcoin:

First you will need a Wallet:

Coinbase offers a wallet as well as the means to buy bitcoin.
other wallets we recommend are: Jaxx Wallet and of course the wonderfully named, Mycelium Wallet

Once you have a wallet, you will have a wallet address.
to purchase Bitcoin
In the US and Canada simply visit: Coinbase and sign up. Here you can purchase however much bitcoin you want with a credit or debit card and send it to your wallet address.

If outside of the US and Canada check here to find the best place to buy BitCoin for your Country.

With Bitcoin now successfully in your wallet.

You Can select BitPay at the checkout.

Copy the payment address, and paste it into your wallet to make payment, or simply scan the QR Code with the device (Phone/Tablet) that your wallet is on and payment is complete.