When ordering by mail please check out the following payment options carefully.
We accept cash (USD and Canadian) and money orders payable to “Earth One Industries” If ordering from the USA with a money order, your money order will need to be an “International” money order. We do not accept anything that doesn’t say “international” on it.
All Postal Money orders, must be Payable to
“Earth One Mycology Supply Inc”
Send to:
Earth One Mycology Supply Inc
5613 Emerson Rd
Sechelt BC
V7Z 0R8
USA Customers: Please use Cash or a paper money order that is not from the post office.
Canadian Customers: Please send cash or Canada Post money order.
International customers: please send USD or CAD or an international money order in these currencies.
Please include your return address and what you would like to order or reference your order number in your letter.